Kala's Blog

Award winning Author, Renowned Intuitive, Wisdom Teacher, Intuitive Interior Decorator, Podcaster and Lifestyle Expert, Kala helps Entrepreneurs, Wisdom Seekers and Visionaries live their best life.
Kala Ambrose is considered one of the country's foremost experts on mystic spirituality and intuitive ability. She has taught thousands around the world how to create a life through conscious intuitive awareness that is in tune with their life purpose and goals. She believes that to Explore Your Spirit, TM there are Many Paths, One Destination. With this mind, she offers a variety of options here for you to explore including: her Academy of Mystical Arts & Spiritual Sciences TM with online courses, private readings and entrepreneurial coaching, intuitive interior decorator services and her books and HER BLOG to provide you  metaphysical, psychic and spiritual information. 
Choose your path from the options below and sign up for her FREE newsletter to receive tips on: seeing auras, decorating your home with positive energy, developing psychic ability, interpreting your dreams and much more!

What are Mystery Schools Part Two

wisdom teachings Aug 07, 2022

I'm known for saying in my book, I think it's like page four.  I'm pretty sure it says, I tell every student who I teach, do not believe a word I say, all that i ask, is that you listen with an open mind and consider what is being presented. If it resonates with you, then take it and think further upon it. If it does not, I only ask that you do not disregard it completely. But rather than throw this information away, leave it available to reconsider at another point and time. There's no judgment, there's only acknowledgement and acceptance.

And I say this in the book for two very important reasons for all my students to read. The first being that this journey is about self exploration and discovering, not listening blindly from another person to find out how to live your life.

And second, it's very important for every student to learn to discern within themselves, what feels right for them. Students in the Wisdom Teachings are taught to go within and trust the...

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What Are Mystery Schools Part One

wisdom teachings Aug 07, 2022

I get a lot of questions from people asking me, what's a mystery school? So I wrote a book about it, that my students really were kind of really great about encouraging me to do, to write a book about the first nine lessons that a student has to study, and to work through when they first enter study into a Mystery School.

So I'm going to read you a page from my book here. And if you're interested, this book is actually available on audiobook on Audible, where you can listen to me read the whole book, if you like.

Well, let's do a page tonight. To answer the question, what is a mystery school would be similar to attempting to explain the nature of humanity as they are intertwined together. The schools are always working in some form of service to humanity, both of the seed and the unseen. As humanity evolves, the teachings continue to advance, offering their wisdom as well, for those who are ready to enter the temple and become a student of the esoteric teachings. Some of the...

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Elemental Magic


Before we get started today, I have some fun news to share...

This week was Mardi Gras and I was interviewed on Mysterious Radio Podcast to talk about my
Spirits of New Orleans book.

If you're interested in the haunted activity in New Orleans,
 be sure to check the interview out here. 



So today I'm talking about the Elements and the Elementals connected to them. What they are, what's the difference between us and them and how to connect with them if you're interested. 

 Elementals are connected to the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They know their purpose, they're true to their purpose, and they have specific vocations. There are four types of elementals I want to talk about, that connect with the earth plane, especially.

The elementals that we describe working with are: Earth/Gnomes, Air/Fairies, Fire/Salamanders or Dragons, and...

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The Magic of 2022 and You

ask kala Feb 20, 2022


Here we are in 2022 and I hope this new year is treating you well so far. 

It's a year of 2's and when we look at this numerology, I share a slightly different opinion than some other numerologists. Some simply add up the numbers and say, oh this is a number 6 year. 

But I disagree... 

When you have a single digit number like 2, followed by a 0, that creates a neutrality and when that is followed by a master number like 11 or in this case, 22, the master number has more authority and stands alone. 

So for this year, the master number takes control and makes it a year about being a 2 and becoming a 22. 

So in my interpretation of the energy of this year... we first look at the Master Number 22, which means in this case, it's a great opportunity to create long lasting relationships and friendships based on communication, honesty, and truly being there for the other person. 

This is the year to really go deep and define what relationships...

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Eight Chakra Changes Happening Now for You

auras wisdom teachings Dec 05, 2021

Hi, this is Kala Ambrose. Welcome back to the Kala Ambrose show where I discuss metaphysical spiritual, and paranormal events. You can read this article below or click on the arrow above to listen to the podcast.

Okay, so today's topic that I would like to talk about, is the eighth chakra. Now I teach a lot about the aura. And I'll be talking about the aura in some podcasts to come. And you can't really talk about the aura without talking about the chakras, as above, so below, as within so without the chakras are within. And as they spin and the energy that comes off of them goes into the energy field around your body known as the aura.

And that's what I see those layers of the aura in your body, that show your physical well being your mental well being your emotional well being and your spiritual destiny. And while being there as well. I can see markers in the aura that show imprints of things you're working on. I can see karmic markers, things you've brought back, I can see...

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Bring In the Magic of the Season with Holiday Decor

holiday decor Nov 25, 2021

Happy Holidays!

This beautiful season is upon us and I can't think of a more magical time. I'm all about the new thought that the Christmas Holiday Season begins on November 1st and goes through January 1st and that the celebration of Thanksgiving is for that one day. Sign me up, I'm in and my decorating starts earlier every year!

After all, it's hard to resist the magic of the season, the lights, the trees, the colors, the music, the cool fresh air and the hint of special surprises to come. The world slows down just a teeny bit and everyone becomes just a little bit kinder. You can feel the love and the light returning at Winter Solstice and the hope building for the new year to bring good things to all.

The older I get, the more I enjoy decorating for the holidays, and that's saying a lot, as decorating for holidays, parties and the home in general has always been one of my greatest joys.  Now though, I'm able to savor these moments a bit longer, and appreciate what every...

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Kala's New Podcast - The Kala Ambrose Show

Today I want to talk about-

My New Podcast -
The Kala Ambrose Show

I'm so excited to announce my new podcast - 

The Kala Ambrose Show

Many of you know I had a podcast several years ago that ran for seven years, where I interviewed hundreds of guests and discussed many metaphysical topics.

That was an amazing time and while I loved every minute of it, I never got to go as deep as I wanted to go, discussing metaphysical, supernatural and spiritual topics that I've dedicated my life to studying and teaching. 

This new podcast is dedicated to this journey, as I share wisdom teachings and other fascinating and enlightening topics. 

New episodes on The Kala Ambrose Show are already available to listen to, including: How to Find Past Life Connections, Energy Vampires and Empaths, Gratitude, Numerology and Angel Numbers, Having Dinner with Spirit and more. 

You can find The Kala Ambrose Show on Apple iTunes, Google Podcast and Spotify.

Here's the RSS feed link if you...

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Tips on How to Survive this Naughty November

astrology Nov 02, 2021

Ask any astrologer right now about your November horoscope and chances are you're not going to like what you hear.

Seriously, we just got through a very tough Mercury Retrograde last month and now November is predicted astrologically to be the most challenging month of this year. 

Bad November, Bad! Can't we give this month a time out so we catch our breath ;)

(Memories of the Simple Sweet Summer Time Before the Planet Uranus Came Back to Mess with Us this November Photo: Palm Beach Decor Style - Kala Ambrose Intuitive Interior Decor)

I'm going to blame a lot of the problems this month on Uranus Going Rogue, but I must also include the fact that we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse this month on November 19th. 

Eclipses are wildcards, where anything can happen so expect the middle of this month to be the most challenging.... It's an election month, we have supply chain shortages, shipping problems, delivery...

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Pumpkin Spice Up your Outdoor Decor Witches, It's Go Time!

holiday decor Oct 15, 2021

Halloween is around the corner, are your outdoor decorations ready?

I know, I know... you're saying, but Kala, Covid has changed things, maybe there won't be any trick or treaters, why should I bother?   And I say, Come on, this is exactly why we should be doing our absolute best to decorate outside, to show people some Halloween Spirit! So even when people drive by our home, they can enjoy a bit of the fun and spookiness of Halloween.

We choose every day to feel happy and to look for the good in life or to feel down and victimized by what's going on around us. We can't control the world, but we can control how we're going to feel about it and how much we will let it affect us on a daily basis and whether or not we're going to find a way to celebrate life.

So gather up your brooms and cauldrons witches, and let's get to decorating and sharing our love of the Holiday Seasons with the world.

Yesterday you saw what I've done with my Interior Design for Halloween this year,...

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It's Halloween Witches, Let's Decorate in Style

holiday decor Oct 14, 2021

Happy Halloween! Here's a peek at my Interior Design for Halloween this year in my home, which I'm calling A Toast to Witches. I hope it generates some fun ideas for your home too!

First up, I created a Witch's Shop Entrance in my home. I used a closet to hang the witches hats and robes in order to create what looks like an entrance to their shop.

From the foyer we venture into my Office where I recently chalk-painted this Bombe Chest.

In the center of my home is what I describe as the sacred space altar area. My pumpkin garland welcomes the energy of Fall into the home.

Over in the Kitchen area, I have my mantle that I change seasonally. This year I went for a darker look for Halloween, using a lot of black accents.

and then grouped some pumpkins over on the kitchen island.

and over on the breakfast room table, I'm exploring lots of color and can't help but smile at the moon phase sign.

In the corner of the kitchen, I'm brewing up something good in the cauldron and every Good...

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