Kala's Blog

Award winning Author, Renowned Intuitive, Wisdom Teacher, Intuitive Interior Decorator, Podcaster and Lifestyle Expert, Kala helps Entrepreneurs, Wisdom Seekers and Visionaries live their best life.
Kala Ambrose is considered one of the country's foremost experts on mystic spirituality and intuitive ability. She has taught thousands around the world how to create a life through conscious intuitive awareness that is in tune with their life purpose and goals. She believes that to Explore Your Spirit, TM there are Many Paths, One Destination. With this mind, she offers a variety of options here for you to explore including: her Academy of Mystical Arts & Spiritual Sciences TM with online courses, private readings and entrepreneurial coaching, intuitive interior decorator services and her books and HER BLOG to provide you  metaphysical, psychic and spiritual information. 
Choose your path from the options below and sign up for her FREE newsletter to receive tips on: seeing auras, decorating your home with positive energy, developing psychic ability, interpreting your dreams and much more!

The Magical Energy of MidWinter

midwinter rituals Jan 31, 2020
Gather round as I want to tell you a story. One full of magic and fairy tales and ancient wisdom where good always wins in the end.
Have you heard the phrase, timing is everything?
In the wisdom teachings, there are certain cycles, which open a gateway between the spirit planes and the earth plane.These moments of enhanced energy allow us to connect with the spiritual planes and access this energy on earth in physical manifestations. It's time to learn how these powerful energy cycles can help you in the modern world. Get ready now cause one of the cycles is coming up in just a few days!
The Powerful Life-Affirming Magic of Mid-Winter is around the corner
Should you wish to change something in your life, this is a wonderful opportunity to set that intention and ask your dream to bloom.
We are experiencing one of these magical moments on February 1st – 2nd, marked as Imbolc, the Mid-Way point of the Season of Winter.
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