A growing number of physicians and medical centers are suggesting meditation as a holistic practice to relax the body and relieve stress. It’s exciting to see this form of mind, body and spirit healing being given the credence and attention it deserves.
The act of meditation is one of the most rewarding gifts you can give to yourself, yet for many, the concept is daunting. There are those who enter into meditative practices which evolve into an entire lifestyle, but for those who have never tried to meditate, the idea of sitting in an uncomfortable position in complete silence is enough to discourage even the slightest attempt.
This does not have to be the case, as there is a meditation practice suitable for each type of person, regardless of their limitations or challenges.
Here’s a few suggestions to get you started on a meditation practice of your own to help you explore on the mind, body and spirit...
What I am saying though, is while good old Merc causes his share of trouble when he goes retro, he also brings a wealth of opportunities and if you understand how the retrograde works, you can use this information to your advantage.
I describe true red as appearing similar to a shiny red apple. When this color is seen in the aura, the...
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