Kala's Blog

Award winning Author, Renowned Intuitive, Wisdom Teacher, Intuitive Interior Decorator, Podcaster and Lifestyle Expert, Kala helps Entrepreneurs, Wisdom Seekers and Visionaries live their best life.
Kala Ambrose is considered one of the country's foremost experts on mystic spirituality and intuitive ability. She has taught thousands around the world how to create a life through conscious intuitive awareness that is in tune with their life purpose and goals. She believes that to Explore Your Spirit, TM there are Many Paths, One Destination. With this mind, she offers a variety of options here for you to explore including: her Academy of Mystical Arts & Spiritual Sciences TM with online courses, private readings and entrepreneurial coaching, intuitive interior decorator services and her books and HER BLOG to provide you  metaphysical, psychic and spiritual information. 
Choose your path from the options below and sign up for her FREE newsletter to receive tips on: seeing auras, decorating your home with positive energy, developing psychic ability, interpreting your dreams and much more!

What the Colors of Your Aura Are Telling People About You

How amazing and yet how often we take for granted, this wonderful world of color that we live in! Many people go about their day paying little attention to the significance of color and the energy that it represents.
In my work as an entrepreneur intuition coach, I help businesses and entrepreneurs choose the best color combinations for their businesses, their logos, their interior design, in essence — their entire brand.
Highly successful people understand that the colors they use for their business emit emotional energy that send a message to everyone who sees their name.
Those that really understand how aura energy works in color, design their company around specific colors in order to create a specific mood or thought process. This is why you will see many fast food restaurants use red and yellow in their logo and interior design, as this color combination encourages you to eat quickly and leave. Fast food dining is focused on...
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Ten Minute Bliss Breaks

wisdom teachings Jul 05, 2019

Meditation Tips from Kala – Ten Minute Bliss Breaks

A growing number of physicians and medical centers are suggesting meditation as a holistic practice to relax the body and relieve stress. It’s exciting to see this form of mind, body and spirit healing being given the credence and attention it deserves.

The act of meditation is one of the most rewarding gifts you can give to yourself, yet for many, the concept is daunting. There are those who enter into meditative practices which evolve into an entire lifestyle, but for those who have never tried to meditate, the idea of sitting in an uncomfortable position in complete silence is enough to discourage even the slightest attempt.

This does not have to be the case, as there is a meditation practice suitable for each type of person, regardless of their limitations or challenges.


Here’s a few suggestions to get you started on a meditation practice of your own to help you explore on the mind, body and spirit...

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Mercury Retrograde Chaos

astrology Jul 04, 2019
Yes, that’s right, for all you astrology followers out there, I said it, Embrace Mercury Retrograde!
We’ve always been alerted to the dangers and mishaps that occur when Mercury goes retrograde, including problems with electronics and communication.
I’m not doubting that information, I’ve seen it occur first hand and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched businesses attempt technological upgrades and buy equipment during these periods where I thought to myself, if only they had consulted an astrologer, how much easier this could have gone for them.
What I am saying though, is while good old Merc causes his share of trouble when he goes retro, he also brings a wealth of opportunities and if you understand how the retrograde works, you can use this information to your advantage.
Retrogrades bring opportunities to reconnect, revisit, revise, review, reveal, and renew. If there’s someone...
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Cleansing with Salt Lamps

auras intuitive decor Jul 01, 2019
For many years I’ve recommended to my students and clients that they purchase a Himalayan Salt Lamp to generate more positive energy in their home or office.
In this new Age of Enlightenment, the old ways are being rediscovered and repackaged to enhance our modern life.
How Are These Salt Lamps Created You Ask…
The Himalayan mountains provide beautiful formations of rock salt crystals. Chunks of the rock salt are gathered and holes are drilled through the middle in order to turn them into lamps. The salt lamps are placed on a base and come fitted with a space for a bulb which is inserted inside the salt lamp.
Once plugged in, the bulb gently heats the lamp, which emits a beautiful glow ranging from a deep orange red, to a soft pink, depending upon the density of the lamp that you choose.
Beyond Just Enjoying this Stunning Light, Here are the Top Three Reasons I recommend Salt Lamps:
1. The salt lamps generate...
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Full Moon Release Ritual

rituals Jul 01, 2019
The Full Moon brings the promise of releasing “something old”.
It is potent, powerful and reminds of the intense power we all have as Creators and Manifestors.
Has something been holding you back from being your Truest, Highest and Best Self?
Are you ready to release any old, stagnant energy that has been slowing you down, so that you can reach your full potential?
Try this Full Moon Ritual and get ready to ramp your energy back up to 100% AMAZING!
For more tips like these, sign up for my FREE newsletter here on Explore Your Spirit.
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Auras Effect on Electronics

auras Jul 01, 2019
In this column ASK KALA intuitive wisdom teacher Kala Ambrose invites you to email your probing metaphysical, spiritual, esoteric and paranormal questions.
Due to the volume of email she receives, she won’t be able to answer back individual e-mails. Instead, she’ll choose interesting questions and answer them here.
Kelley writes – “Hello Kala, I have a digital alarm clock that I used to have to reset every 5 days or so because it gained time. I’ve had this clock a few years and its always been this way. My mother’s room was adjacent to mine. She recently died and since then I haven’t had to reset my clock!! Could she have affected the clock’s mechanism? It sounds weird but a few years ago she went to see a psychic who I had seen as well as other members of my family. He knew the names of deceased relatives, etc. There was no problem reading me or other members of my family. And no, we didn’t...
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What the Color Brown Means in the Aura

Brown is perhaps the most misunderstood color in the aura. When people see brown, they automatically think that the color is muddy and a problem. This is not always the case. I have seen monks with brown in their aura as well as people who work in nature and the earth and resonate with a brown energy. These are typically well-grounded people who enjoy working with their hands and with tasks of this nature. These monks would be the ones who would volunteer to care for the garden and forest rangers and wood carvers often carry the brown energy. I would muse that back in the day, many druids carried the brown energy in their aura as well.
When the brown color is warm and light, it can present a light coffee color or caramel. This can appear in the fields of people who are in touch with the elements and have connected in a strong way with the element of Earth. The color serves to ground them and will be seen in the solar plexus area mixing with yellow to help...
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What Does the Color Purple Mean in the Aura

There is a distinct difference between the dominant primary and the fluctuating secondary colors seen in the aura.  Red, Yellow, Green and Blue are the most common and prominent colors seen in the aura. Other colors like purple, gold, turquoise and brown are not as dominant as a long lasting color in the aura field.
They are most often seen periodically, such as; when a person is experiencing a strong emotion such as love, undergoing a healing, or experiencing depression. Other colors indicate that the person is experiencing a spiritual connection and awakening.
Purple, violet or lavender in the aura is such a lovely sight to see. In most cases, the person is connecting with the spiritual realms and building on their intuition and spiritual connection and it is one of the highest levels of auric vibrations in the human aura. It is assumed that if someone is psychic, that they are receiving energy through their sixth (third-eye) chakra. While this is...
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Seeing Red in the Aura

Kala Ambrose has seen the energy fields known as the aura around people, animals and nature her entire life. As a wisdom teacher, Kala shares her lifetimes of experience and training with her students here through her Academy of Mystical Arts and Spiritual Sciences.
Her book, The Awakened Aura, has received three prestigious awards for her work in this field. In her Six Week Online AURA SCHOOL Course, Kala teaches you how to see auras and more importantly, how to clear the energy in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fields of the aura in order to reach your highest and full potential.
The color – “true red” when viewed in the aura indicates physical vitality and primal power. It has a force all its own and generally indicates a strong connection with the physical body. Red is connected to the first (root) chakra.
I describe true red as appearing similar to a shiny red apple. When this color is seen in the aura, the...
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What Does the Color White Mean in the Aura

White is the color seen around the first layer of the aura. When a person first begins to see the auric field around the body, this is what they see, the glowing white light, which radiates around the physical body. This white light reflects the life-force radiating from the spirit and the auric energy fields.
White is rarely seen as the primary color in the overall aura and once a person has more practice in seeing the aura, the colors surrounding the auric fields quickly predominate and are more vivid and exciting than the white glow of the first field.
When white is seen swirling in patterns around the aura it indicates the person is speaking truthfully and clearly about the topic. Orbs of white light that are focused in a ball or spiral shape indicate spiritual beings in the energy fields surrounding the person and at times, attempting to communicate with the person.
When the protective shield of the aura is enlarged and expands outward to...
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