Kala's Blog

Award winning Author, Renowned Intuitive, Wisdom Teacher, Intuitive Interior Decorator, Podcaster and Lifestyle Expert, Kala helps Entrepreneurs, Wisdom Seekers and Visionaries live their best life.
Kala Ambrose is considered one of the country's foremost experts on mystic spirituality and intuitive ability. She has taught thousands around the world how to create a life through conscious intuitive awareness that is in tune with their life purpose and goals. She believes that to Explore Your Spirit, TM there are Many Paths, One Destination. With this mind, she offers a variety of options here for you to explore including: her Academy of Mystical Arts & Spiritual Sciences TM with online courses, private readings and entrepreneurial coaching, intuitive interior decorator services and her books and HER BLOG to provide you  metaphysical, psychic and spiritual information. 
Choose your path from the options below and sign up for her FREE newsletter to receive tips on: seeing auras, decorating your home with positive energy, developing psychic ability, interpreting your dreams and much more!

Ten Magical Ways to Celebrate Halloween

The spirit of Halloween has a tradition for everyone to enjoy. Here are my suggestions for ten supernatural super fun ways to celebrate and embrace the magic of the season:
1. Find love with a magic apple If you’re single, select a juicy red apple and peel the skin in one long piece. Hold the peel of the apple in your hand and say aloud, ‘As I fling this apple peel, my true love’s name will be revealed’. Fling the apple peel over your head and turn around to look at the shape that the peel forms on the ground. It is said that the apple peel will form into the first initial of your true love’s name or if you're at a party, the peel will point towards your true love.
2. Dance in the moonlight No matter what phase of the moon it is on Halloween, Lady Luna will be shining bright. Let your hair down, light a candle, put on some music and dance with the spirits of your ancestors in the moonlight.  Need I say more? Let your...
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Visiting the Spirit Realms During Halloween

Communicating with Loved Ones in Spirit

As a Psychic Medium, I came back in this lifetime communicating with those who have passed on and now live on the other side in spirit world.  
It’s been this way for as long as I can remember and I write about some of my experiences in my books including The Awakened Aura  The Awakened Psychic and Spirits of New Orleans.

From meeting my great-grandmother in spirit one night, as she shared a message with me about our family and discussed how I would carry on her work as a tarot card reader and a tea leaf reader, to communicating with my grandfather as he passed, my experiences in this lifetime have guided me to my life’s work.
Over the years, with the passing of my father, my mother and in more recent years, my beloved husband, my connection in spirit world has been blown wide open as my grief demanded that I be able to stay in communication with my loved ones.
These events have moved my...
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Six Life Altering Books by Kala Ambrose

books Aug 29, 2019

Ready to redesign your life from the inside out?

Kala Ambrose’s award winning six books cover everything from reading auras, awakening your psychic abilities and interpreting your dreams.

Many paths, one destination... your journey begins now.

Choose your book here!

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Flamingo Pink Magic

animal totems Aug 28, 2019

In my work as a Spiritual Wisdom Teacher, I believe that we learn in a variety of ways, which I describe as "Many Paths, One Destination". I believe that we choose different paths in order to learn and grow, with the final destination being to know ourselves at the deeper soul connection. I also believe that Spirit is always communicating with us, sharing information with us every day in order to help us along our journey.

One of the ways that Spirit connects with us is through the Animal Kingdom. Many cultures have understood that each animal represents certain emotions, qualities, habits and experiences. When an Animal shows itself to us, it is doing so in order to reflect back to us what we are currently experiencing, what we need to learn and most importantly, what energy is surrounding us at this time. For this point in time, the spirit of the animal connects with our spirit and becomes a totem/sacred symbol.

Sometimes, the spirit of these animals stay with us for our lifetime,...

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Kala Ambrose Wisdom Teacher

kala wisdom teachings Aug 26, 2019

Some call me a teacher. I like to say I do not teach, rather I help souls remember who they are, including how to awaken their psychic abilities.

This knowledge is timeless and universal and each person retains this intuitive information deep within their soul where they hold the keys. When they are ready to remember who they are and why they are here, the inner door to the soul opens and true wisdom/gnosis (knowledge combined with experience) is revealed.

I believe that psychic ability is raised to its highest level when individuals gather with mystical wisdom, deep compassion and a discerning desire to provide service to humanity.

I believe that we are all born with a great purpose in our life. We are all unique and arrived with a divine plan of what we would like to accomplish and experience here on earth.

It is my philosophy that intuition is all encompassing, living within and amongst us in each moment, thought and action and so the journey begins...

Sign up for my free...

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Welcome to Explore Your Spirit with Kala

kala Aug 22, 2019
Welcome to Explore Your Spirit with Kala TM.
Kala Ambrose is “Your Travel Guide to the Other Side”. TM
An Award winning Author, Renowned Intuitive, Wisdom Teacher, Intuitive Interior Decorator, Podcaster and Lifestyle Expert, she helps Entrepreneurs, Seekers and Visionaries live their best life.
Author of six books including 9 Life Altering Lessons, The Awakened Aura, The Awakened Psychic and The Awakened Dreamer, she is considered to be one of the country’s foremost experts on mystic spirituality and intuitive ability and has taught thousands around the world how to connect with their soul path and create a life that is in tune with their life purpose and goals.
Study online here with Kala in her Academy of Mystical Arts & Spiritual Sciences TM
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The Grey Minimalist Trend is Ending, What's Next

If you've been following my work for even the teeniest bit of time, you know that I love architecture, color and home decor. 


I believe that being surrounded in a beautiful environment with inspirational and colorful home decor, uplifts the soul and encourages our creativity and mental and emotional well-being.

A recent interior design trend has focused on minimalism, with the concept of having very little decor in the home . This trend will be fading soon and will replaced by the next new idea and so on as trends do.

What this minimalist trend was showcasing and responding to, I believe, is how cluttered people's minds were feeling in the current environment.  It's a direct reaction between the clutter that built up in our thoughts (inward/as within) and then displayed in our homes (outward/so without)

(In this picture below, we see the movement to minimalism, in order to disconnect. The clutter is being removed and there is a separation between the bed...

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From Dated Blue to In the Mood for Romance!

It's all about You and the Hue!  In my work as an Intuitive Interior Decorator, I'm also a Color Intuitive. A lot of what I discuss about what I see in the aura colors around each person, are the same topics discussed in Color Design, which are:  Hue, Tint, Tone and Shade. 

When I say for example that I see blue in someone's aura, I have to explain the exact color of blue that I'm seeing. There is a dark muddy shady of blue that can show that a person has closed themselves off to the world and to new ideas. That dark blue is very different from navy blue, which shows stability and reliability. A light bright blue can indicate communication coming from the spirit realms and a medium solid blue is what I call true blue, that really reflects the best energy that blue has to offer. 

It's important to understand the shades and hue of color, along with the emotional and intuitive intelligence connected to each ray of color. When I meet with clients who are not happy...

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Using Quartz to Amplify Positive Energy in Your Home

In my work as an Intuitive Interior Decorator, my job is connect to the energy of each person (by seeing the colors in their aura) and then reflecting this colorful energy outward into the decor of their home.

I begin by meeting with the people living in the home and as we chat, I tune in and see the colors emitting from their auric fields. The aura has many layers around the body and I see the various fields which include the physical layer, mental layer, emotional layer and the spiritual layer. These layers often change color according to how we are feeling, the physical layer color changes according to our health, the mental layer fluctuates according to what we are thinking about, the emotional layers changes the quickest, always affected by our moods and the spiritual layer is the slowest to change color, unless we are having a direct experience with the other side.

The spiritual layer of the aura reflects what I call each person's "true power colors", the colors that you are...

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Make Work Fun Again

 Since I was a little girl, I've always been fascinated with office supplies. Well, originally for me it began with school supplies! I always loved Back to School time when we would shop for pens, pencils, markers, crayons, notebooks, the selections were endless and if you're old enough, you remember the excitement of your first Trapper Keeper notebook.   The only disappointment I had was I wanted supplies with my name on them and no one back then had anything monogrammed with the name Kala on it.  I love these days when you can easily get anything monogrammed with your name on it and trust me I do!

As adults, we all have our "wants" and for me, it's still about getting new notebooks!

There's something about opening up a fresh new notebook, it's so full of possibilities.  I guess that's the writer in me, I see those pages and ideas starting popping up of what I'll write first. Even though the majority of my writing and other work is now done on the...

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