It's all about You and the Hue! In my work as an Intuitive Interior Decorator, I'm also a Color Intuitive. A lot of what I discuss about what I see in the aura colors around each person, are the same topics discussed in Color Design, which are: Hue, Tint, Tone and Shade.
When I say for example that I see blue in someone's aura, I have to explain the exact color of blue that I'm seeing. There is a dark muddy shady of blue that can show that a person has closed themselves off to the world and to new ideas. That dark blue is very different from navy blue, which shows stability and reliability. A light bright blue can indicate communication coming from the spirit realms and a medium solid blue is what I call true blue, that really reflects the best energy that blue has to offer.
It's important to understand the shades and hue of color, along with the emotional and intuitive intelligence connected to each ray of color. When I meet with clients who are not happy...
In my work as an Intuitive Interior Decorator, my job is connect to the energy of each person (by seeing the colors in their aura) and then reflecting this colorful energy outward into the decor of their home.
I begin by meeting with the people living in the home and as we chat, I tune in and see the colors emitting from their auric fields. The aura has many layers around the body and I see the various fields which include the physical layer, mental layer, emotional layer and the spiritual layer. These layers often change color according to how we are feeling, the physical layer color changes according to our health, the mental layer fluctuates according to what we are thinking about, the emotional layers changes the quickest, always affected by our moods and the spiritual layer is the slowest to change color, unless we are having a direct experience with the other side.
The spiritual layer of the aura reflects what I call each person's "true power colors", the colors that you are...
Since I was a little girl, I've always been fascinated with office supplies. Well, originally for me it began with school supplies! I always loved Back to School time when we would shop for pens, pencils, markers, crayons, notebooks, the selections were endless and if you're old enough, you remember the excitement of your first Trapper Keeper notebook. The only disappointment I had was I wanted supplies with my name on them and no one back then had anything monogrammed with the name Kala on it. I love these days when you can easily get anything monogrammed with your name on it and trust me I do!
As adults, we all have our "wants" and for me, it's still about getting new notebooks!
There's something about opening up a fresh new notebook, it's so full of possibilities. I guess that's the writer in me, I see those pages and ideas starting popping up of what I'll write first. Even though the majority of my writing and other work is now done on the...
Time is measured in moments, so make every moment matter! - Kala Ambrose
Here we are approaching August and I always find at this time of year that I get very excited about what's to come, not because it's August, but rather that it means that Fall is around the corner. Without a doubt, Fall is my favorite season, the holidays, the spectacular changing of the leaves, the crisp cool air, and of course, pumpkin spice everything :)
I also associate this time with Back to School and believe that whether you're five or fifty-five, there's always something new to learn each year. We're also climbing out of a challenging Summer that was filled with eclipses and a Mercury Retrograde and some record breaking heatwaves, so fresh air Fall is going to bring relief to us all in a variety of ways.
Things are busy here at Explore Your Spirit, I'm launching my new Intuitive Interior Decorator business. I've been certified in Traditional Feng Shui for twenty years and have decorated...
As an Intuitive Interior Decorator, one of my goals is to design sacred space within the home. Our home should be our sanctuary, a place to retreat from the stress and wear and tear of the world and beyond that, it should provide nourishment, relaxation and comfort.
In each home that I decorate, I make sure to introduce these two pieces into the decor.
The first is a "statement" piece, that defines the intention and energy of the room I'm decorating and what is meant to be achieved by the decor in the room. (I'll be showing examples of statements in future posts)
The second is a crystal or gemstone carefully chosen after meeting with everyone who lives in the home. This stone works in harmony with the person and their family to generate positive energy throughout the home.
I'll be sharing in future posts more information about each gemstone and crystal and how they work with your aura and how their color and energy field stimulate the energy in your home. In some...
The phrase, “True Blue” is a reflection of the personality found in a primarily blue aura person
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