Are You Ready to Take The Journey

Welcome to my newsletter, I discuss a wide variety of topics here including: the wisdom teaching courses at my Academy of Mystical Arts & Spiritual Sciences, new design projects in my work as an Intuitive Interior Decorator, upcoming events and new books I'm working on, Ask Kala Questions and what I'm writing about on my blog and talking about on my new podcast - The Kala Ambrose Show.
Today I want to talk about-
My latest creation
Journey Bracelets!
I've created a new company called Lavish Goods,
with Niki, my friend for over twenty years to make...

Are You Ready to Take the Journey?
Have you ever wondered how crystals and gemstones really work? Is there any truth to the legends and stories that they can help you energetically?
What if a renowned psychic who sees auras and a geologist with a master's degree got together and combined spirituality with science to test out these factors and see what’s real and how it really works.
What if they discovered how certain gemstones and crystals work together and which work the best together side by side. What if they could explain from start to finish how to work with these gemstones and crystals in the right order, to guide you on the path of where you were looking to go? What if there were certain formulas created that allow the stones to be even stronger when their energies are aligned in the right combinations!
What if, after figuring out these secrets through experimentation and studying how these gemstones were used in ancient cultures, they took these gemstones and knowing their unique principles, they made them into bracelets placing them in the correct order so they work in tandem with each other to achieve the desired effect. And then, they added reiki energy to further activate the stones in the bracelet!
What if, now knowing this precious information, the psychic and the scientist joined forces to design these custom gemstone bracelets that they called - The Journey.

What if they wrote step by step how to work with each bracelet type and even added special charms to some of the bracelets to enhance them even more!
What if these two women also had a love for jewelry and beautiful things and while designing these bracelets they strived to make them beautiful works of art at the same time, understanding that this journey is a mind body spirit connection and it has to feel good and at the same time, look good on you. That these gorgeous gems were so lush and lux and felt so good, that they had no choice but to name them lavish.
And WHAT IF they took it even further…
Their journey bracelets are designed for specific purposes and can be purchased right away, or... what if you could have a private meeting with the psychic who would discuss your life path and aura with you and then the psychic and the scientist would work together to find the perfect stones just for you and create your path through your custom bracelet.
The bracelet would come with a letter explaining the meanings of all of the stones and would include a personal mantra to say aloud when working with the stones. Imagine having this one of a kind magical experience where the bracelet is designed specifically and intentionally for you!

What if the psychic and scientist really did this and they call this work, The Journey and now the journey is here.
This is how the journey begins, meet Kala and Niki. Read our story, learn about our work and browse our collection of expertly curated, custom designed, intuitively charmed gemstone bracelets.
What if, this is how the Journey begins for you!

Click here to see the entire collection
Kala Ambrose is considered one of the country's foremost experts on mystic spirituality and intuitive ability. She has taught thousands around the world how to create a life through conscious intuitive awareness that is in tune with their life purpose and goals. Study with her at her Academy of Mystical Arts and Spiritual Sciences.

ReDesign Your Life From the Inside Out!
Kala shares how mystical spirituality and intuitive awareness can help you live your best life.
Subscribe to her Free Newsletter for Tips on How to Intuitively Decorate Your Home and How to ReDesign Your Life from the inside out, one step at a time.