How Sound Shifts Energy in the Aura

auras Jun 30, 2019
In aura video number three, (watch above) Kala explains how the aura “magnetizes” and attracts and reflects energy and how psychics read your aura.
She also discusses how energy cords connect in the aura, how energy moves through the aura and what makes an energy vampire.  
Kala’s Quick Tip shared in this video is How Sound Shifts Energy in the Aura and How to Use Sound to Clear a Room.
Study with Kala in her six week online course, AURA SCHOOL, where Kala teaches you how to see auras and more importantly, how to clear the energy in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fields of the aura in order to reach your highest and full potential.
In this Six Week Course with Kala, you will discover how energy cords attach in relationships, how the aura works during pregnancy, how every breathe we take affects the aura, how a depleted aura creates an energy vampire and how the aura connects during sex.
As an energy field around our body, the aura holds the energy we release from our thoughts and our emotions. It also displays the physical well-being of the body.
When we can view the aura and discern what the colors, shapes and symbols mean when seen in these fields, we can take steps to release unwanted, unhealthy energy and replace them with powerful, life affirming manifestations.

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