Paranormal Investigations with Kala Ambrose and Lorraine Warren
On this episode of Explore Your Spirit with Kala, Kala speaks with Lorraine Warren. The Warrens were the nations top psychic researchers for over 3 decades, and have lectured extensively at colleges and universities through out the country. They were 2 of only a handful of investigators ever allowed into the infamous “Amityville Horror” home and have the only pictures ever taken inside the house. The Warrens have had three movies made of their cases, including “The Haunted” from their book, and the other “The Demon Murder Case” also from their book “The Devil in Connecticut.” Ed and Lorraine Warren’s most famous case by far is their investigation of the home which was the subject of The Amityville Horror. The Warrens were 2 of 9 people who investigated the home. Even now, 24 years later, the Amityville investigation is their most requested lecture topic. Some photos can be viewed on their website, but to see the most shocking, revealing, and interesting photographs, you’ll need to attend one of the Warrens’ many lectures. Lorraine Warren’s psychic abilities have steadily increased over time. She has been tested at UCLA under the watchful eye of Dr. Thelma Moss. Lorraine can best be described as a clairvoyant and light trance medium. She can also see a persons “Aura”. Lorraine describes it like this; “A persons Aura is the supernatural glow that emanates from every living thing. It is the energy that surrounds us, it evens surrounds our pets. I can tell quite a lot about a person from this glow. You see the aura produces different colors, blue hues, green, red, yellow and various other shades.